A Missing understanding

Two mouths moving,

Yet saying nothing.

Two hands approaching,

Yet scared of touching.

Four eyes staring,

Holding the same canvas,

But depicting different etchings,

Giving rise to misguided feelings.

Whispers rise into gaping ears,

Echoes of inequitable and sense of withdrawal,

Full of ire leading to misjudgment,

Coercively proving each other wrong.

To feed their ego, to neglect their dispute,

They stop explaining and chose to be mute.

With conversations of half sentences,

They planted the seed of misunderstanding,

With the other half of their sentences,

Becoming the root of conflicts and antipathy.

Their chaotic silence of hatred,

Burgeoning the desperation

For distance and separation,

Based on the trivial assumptions.

But it is a simple complication,

Of their miscommunication.

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